Open enrollment training and web services are scheduled regularly with companies. Please look at our 4-month calendar below to choose a date that is right for you. Days with course titles are not available. They have been booked as training or web hosting moderator sessions. Please schedule your web training session in advance. We are currently quoting training events for the 4 months to follow.

You can select the same course or choose a training title from a variety of courses available from GCGI™. 

If you find a training course that is right for you, please contact us and we will send you details and quotation. Please note that a training course is delivered in group bundles of thirty (30) participants. Discounts offered to 31+ participants. Courses can be organized at a time and date to suit your team.

You can attend from home, work or anywhere you have access to your phone, tablet or computer. You will receive instructions of how to sign into the remote course once the quotation is approved with corresponding group registration and payment.  

training CALENDAR


Client Testimonials...

A partial list of current and former clients include:

  • “Fantastic! I greatly appreciate how you are able to fully explain the rationale behind each response. I find that is the most important and challenging aspect of meeting regulations - anyone can read and understand them, but exactly how to implement them in your systems is a much more complicated issue, even simple things like dating and initialing. Thanks again for your time.”

  • “Mr. Guerra, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your seminar. I have been to many through the years, but yours was very informative in a short of time.”

  • “Mr. Guerra, thanks very much for your presentation yesterday. Our staff enjoyed hearing your tips and suggestions on meeting FDA and 21 CFR 58 requirements, and I think they will help us to improve compliance within our systems.”

  • “Thank you Johnny.  The training definitely provided a lot of food for thought and this was helpful. It’s been an on-going debate as to how long we should keep documents”. 

  • “Hi Johnny. It was a very informative webinar and you are quite experienced in your speech topic.”

Company names, their logos and all their products, are registered trademarks of the corresponding company or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

Most of our client relationships have spanned more than a decade. 

  • “Hi Johnny. Thank you for putting on an excellent presentation this morning on Human Errors. I was attracted to your seminar because of my project and the difficulty in establishing best practice within the industry. I like your categories better than ours and plan to re-characterize our assessment based on your work. Your points on corporate policy, and “right supervisors” are well taken. Nothing leads to cultural change like the act of  measurement. Thanks again for putting on a good show, and for taking the time to reply to my questions.”

Client List

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"Cultural Change"...

Tel: +1 (833) FDAWEBS        +1 (833) 332-9327